Staff at Westgate strive to provide students with an excellent education, and we wish for students to develop academically, spritually, physically and emotionally during their time with us. We encourage students to be involed in our co-curricular programs and to take classes in a wide range of subject areas. Grade 9 and 10 students must select 10 credits. Grade 11 students are expected to take a minimum of nine credits per year and Grade 12 students a minimum of eight credits.

30S Accounting Principles This course introduces students to financial principles and concepts which are valuable in both personal and business…

Christian Studies
In our Christian Studies program, we remain grounded in our Anabaptist principles, working with students as their faith develops and…

6/7 Keyboarding and Computer Skills This course has two primary goals: that students develop proficiency using a computer keyboard (specifically,…

Creative Arts
7, 8, 15G This program introduces students to safe woodworking with hand and power tools. Opportunity will be provided to…

Digital Film Making/Digital Photography
25S Digital Filmmaking/Digital Photography This course provides students with the skills and knowledge to tell stories by combining sound, still…

Dramatic Arts
15G, 20S These are hands-on courses — students actively play various games and roles, learning by doing and observing along…

English Language Arts/AP English
6 This course is designed to develop an appreciation for language through reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, and representing. Students…

Family Studies
15F Students will explore their identity and improve their capacity as members of a changing world. We will discuss relationships,…

6, 7, 8, 10F, 20F, 30S, 40S The French program is based on the communicative approach, encompassing reading, writing, listening…

6, 7, 8, 10G, 20G, 30S, 40S Westgate offers German classes that are divided into regular and advanced streams. Those…

Life Skills
8 This course helps to build literacy skills, learning strategies and some life skills (such as time-management and food preparation)…

6 The Grade 6 program encourages students to: learn the value of mathematics gain confidence in their mathematical ability become…

Grade 6 Students will learn and explore music and theory through the violin and singing in this class. Students will…

Phys. Ed.
6, 7, 8 These courses emphasize the acquisition and application of the skills that are considered the building blocks for…

SCIENCE 6, 7, 8, 10F The junior high science program works at attaining basic knowledge and attitudes needed to function…

Service Credit (Grades 9-12)
Students may earn a credit for work done in the community. Students are limited to 1 credit within the 34…

Social Studies
6 Grade 6 Social Studies explores the history of Canada since 1867. Students explore themes in Canadian history through project…

Visual Arts
The overall goal of the program is to develop students’ ability to represent and express their ideas through visual arts.…