

6, 7, 8, 10F 

The junior high science program works at attaining basic knowledge and attitudes needed to function in today’s scientific and technological world and also at developing processes to assist students in problem solving. Respect for our environment and relating science to issues and values is stressed.


The Grade 10 course offers students topics in chemistry, physics and biology. Students have the opportunity to expand their knowledge in these areas, and to identify areas of interest, which will assist in their choosing of science courses for Grades 11 and 12.

30S Biology
Prerequisite: Science 20F

This course involves the study of human body structures and functions. Topics studied include biochemistry, cell biology and many systems within the human body.

30S Chemistry
Prerequisite: Science 20F

Topics include atomic theory, physical properties of matter, chemical reactions, gases and organic chemistry.

30S Current Topics in Science

Current Topics in Science is a unique alternative to the three classic sciences offered in high school. Instead of examining several topics within a specific discipline, Topics in Science takes an individualized and multidisciplinary approach to learning science.

30S Physics
Pre-requisite: Science 20F
Co-requisite: Pre-Calculus Mathematics 30S

Topics include the nature of physics, mechanics, fields, waves and radiation. An emphasis is placed on advanced problem solving and engineering.

40S Biology

Topics studied include: nucleic acid chemistry, genetics, evolution, and introductory zoology and botany.

40S Chemistry
Prerequisite: Chemistry 30S

Topics include atomic theory, kinetics, equilibria, acids and bases, solubility, and redox.

40S Physics
Prerequisite: Physics 30S

Topics include reactions, mechanics, fields, electricity, and modern physics.

Social Sciences

40S Psychology

This course exposes students to the major topics found in the field of psychology. It also emphasizes the issues that are of particular direct interest and relevance to students completing high school. Students explore the scientific methods upon which psychology is based. They can then apply what they learned to their daily lives.