Westgate News
Quinzhee Building #2
Quinzhee building #1
Alternative Education Week 2019
March 6, 2019 We believe that our Alternative Education Week is a crucial part of the learning of our students. In grades 6-9 all students…
Middle East Trip 2019
Grade 8 EAL Interviews
Click on the link below to watch Westgate’s Grade 8A Language Arts Class spend time with some new comers to Canada. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g139TKSxf0c&feature=youtu.be
Marsh & Mountain Activities 2018-2019
Fall Hike at Spirit Sands/Spruce Woods Provincial Park: Winter Hike: Quinzhee Camping:
one act play #3
one act play #1
ski trip
pj day
Talent Show
River Walk
Spirit Week 2018-2019
Junior High One Act Plays ~ Photo Gallery
10 (+1) Ways to Surivive the End of the World Meet the Monsters The Super Non-Heroes Stage Crew
Retrospective 2018-2019
christmas concert 2
christmas concert 1
vocal jazz
Westgate Perspective – Winter 2018
Christmas Activities 2019
During the month of December each Homeroom collects money to help provide a hamper to a family through the Christmas Cheerboard: On the…