As in other years, our students travelling overseas in June write their exams early. This year, we have a particularly large percentage of 12s leaving. We wanted to continue to create a meaningful closing of the year for our remaining students. And so, we are having ALL our grade 12 students write their exams early, and have planned meaningful learning experiences for those remaining during what would have traditionally been their exam week.
- Last day of classes for Grade 12s is Thursday, June 1.
- Students are not expected to be in the building during the exam period unless they have a scheduled exam or activity.
- Exams will be written from June 2 – June 6. However, students not on EST or ME may opt to have a slightly less condensed exam schedule and write their ELA and Psychology Exams on June 8 and 9.
- The alternative learning experiences have been planned for June 12 – 16 during our regular exam week.