Office and Communication

We seek to have an open flow of communication between home and school. Please make sure we have an updated email address so that you do not miss out on any important information. Furthermore, much information can be found on the school’s website:

Please communicate directly with subject teachers should any specific course concerns arise. Our administration team is open to communication on broader topics and more general concerns.


Report cards and Progress Reports are available throughout the year. Please see the school calendar for specific dates.

If you require a review of your child’s progress at any time during the school year, please call the Student Services department and ask for a Progress Report.

Meet the Teacher:

Early in the year, there will be a time to tour the school and meet some of your child’s teachers. This is not a time for individual parent-teacher conferences but rather a time for introductions. The evening includes a time for coffee as well as a chance to see what your child will go through on a typical school day.

New Student and Family Orientation:

Immediately prior to the Meet the Teacher event all new Westgate parents and all parents of grade 6 and 7 students are invited to dinner. Eating and visiting will be integrated with a quick Westgate orientation.

Parent-Teacher Conferences:

Parent-Teacher Conferences are held twice a year, once before the first report card and once in spring before the first report card of the second semester. The sign up for these conferences is done online. The link will be emailed to parents a few weeks before the conferences.

Office Hours:

Regular school days: Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
In-Service and Administration Days: 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Public Holidays: closed.