
The William Loewen Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a graduating student who has actively participated in the music program at Westgate and will continue to pursue studies in music after graduation. Two students may share this scholarship. Application Required

The Kirstin Joy Siemens Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a graduating student who has attended Westgate for at least three years. It is given in recognition of academic strength, intellectual ability, school spirit and strong leadership qualities. Application Required

The Kimberly Gusto Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a graduating student who has attended Westgate for at least three years. It is given in recognition of academic excellence, co-curricular involvement, sound leadership qualities and good character. Application Required

The Martha Janzen Epp Patient Care Award is awarded to a graduating student or alumnus who is entering a provincially recognized patient care program. Application Required

The Mennonite Educational Society of Manitoba Scholarship is awarded to one or more students at the senior high level who demonstrate sound academic proficiency and active involvement in Westgate’s extra-curricular activities.

The Karl and Margarete Fast Scholarship is awarded to a graduating student in good standing who has demonstrated evidence of some of the attributes of Karl Fast: active participation in the community, an interest in service, a love of history and the arts and an interest in pursuing academic excellence.

The Colin Edmond Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a current or past Westgate student who has actively participated in a Visual Arts program and intends to continue to pursue studies in the Arts and/or Visual Arts program after graduation.  The applicant should demonstrate an ability to support their peers, act as a positive influence to those peers and be a positive role model at Westgate.  Application Required

The Nikki Redekop Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a graduating student who has been actively involved in many facets of the school. Preference is given to students who have participated in music, sports, and Marsh and Mountain, while demonstrating enthusiasm, a positive school spirit and a caring nature.

The Heinrich Heese Scholarship is awarded to a student in recognition of scholastic excellence and service to both the school and the community. Preference is given to a graduating student.

The Sara Albrecht Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a Grade 11 student entering Grade 12 at Westgate in recognition of academic excellence.

The Rev. Henry and Helen Becker Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a Grade 11 student who has attended Westgate for at least two years. The award is based on need and academic ability in the fields of Mathematics, Science and Computer Science.

The Anna Sudermann Scholarship is awarded annually to a Grade 11 Westgate student in recognition of academic excellence in both German and Mennonite studies.

The Anna Dyck Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a student who is continuing studies in both German and Christian Studies at Westgate, maintains both good standing in academics and attendance, and is involved in the whole school program.

The Peter Priess Memorial Scholarship is awarded in recognition of strong academic standing and active participation in both school and church programs. Two students may share this scholarship.

Spirit of Generosity Award (Mennonite Foundation of Canada) is awarded to a student who displays a personal spirit of generosity and has demonstrated that generosity in identifiable practical ways. Preference is given to a graduating student. This award is divided between the recipient and the recipient’s charity of choice.

The Gerhard and Lena Dyck Award is awarded to a graduating or returning Westgate student who has demonstrated a commitment to personal growth in character, attitude, initiative, and service and has found value and worth in caring for others. Two students may share this award.  Read Background on this Award

The Dr. Peter Douglas Brown Graduate Studies Scholarship is awarded to a Westgate graduate who has spent a minimum of three years at Westgate and is currently enrolled in an accredited university working towards either a Master’s degree or a PhD.  Application Required

The German Canadian Business and Professional Association offers a number of scholarships to Grade 9 and/or Grade 10 students who have shown improvement in their studies of German, who have maintained good standing in other subjects, who have a positive attendance record, and who plan to continue their studies at Westgate next year.

The Kevin Unrau Memorial Award is awarded to one or more students with learning challenges or financial needs. This bursary comes through the Mennonite Foundation of Canada. The Westgate Scholarship Committee will notify the recipient(s) privately.

The Lorne & Marguerite How Memorial Award is awarded to a returning or graduating student who has displayed a sense of community, understanding of care for others, is supportive of classmates and involved in the whole school program.

The Westgate Staff Bursary is awarded to one or more students based on the financial need of the family or families.

The Pastor Heimo Bachmeyer Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a Grade 11 student who will return to Westgate for their graduating year and exhibits a commitment to their own learning experience, as well as the broader community. Heimo Bachmeyer taught Mennonite History and German at Westgate for 16 years. He encouraged his students to develop critical thinking skills and expected excellence. He prized lively discussion in the classroom and evidence of student engagement in the broader community regardless of the final letter grades achieved.

The Thomas Epp Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a Grade 10 or 11 student returning to Westgate for the next academic year that has embodied the spirit that made Thomas an enthusiastic ambassador of Westgate, and who like Thomas, has embraced school community life through sport, music and volunteerism.

The John Schroeder Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a returning student who has achieved strong academic proficiency to the best of their ability, and has been an active participant in school activities and extra-curricular school programs.

The Henry and Elsie Dyck and Friends Scholarship is awarded to two students, one returning and one graduating, who is considered a strong “Westgater” by serving as a positive role model who academically achieves to the best of their ability and who participates in Westgate’s co-curricular activities. With an interest in social and environmental issues, these students would have a strong connection to their faith community and would participate in volunteer opportunites in the wider community

The Marlies Klassen Scholarship is awarded to any grade 11 or 12 student who has demonstrated evidence of some of the attributes that exemplified the life of Marlies Klassen- Service to Camps with Meaning, involved in the Westgate choral program, and an overall spirit of giving back to their community.

The Betty and Helen Lozinski Family Memorial Scholarship is awarded to a grade 12 student who has attended Westgate for a minimum of three years.  Who demonstrates kindness, caring and inclusiveness towards their peers.  Someone who shows an interest and skill in visual and or preforming arts and is attending secondary education. Betty was a nana to graduates Madison (2021) and Caitlyn (2024) Fast.  Helen was baba to Daniel Lozinski (2017).