Grade 6 Day Event
A Discover Westgate Event for current Grade 6 students
This event has now passed. Thank you to all who were able to join us!
Friday, February 7th, 2025 from 9:00am-12:15pm
Fill out the form below to register for this exciting experience.
Please feel welcome to invite a friend to join you.
This is a great way for prospective students to meet one another as well as be introduced to our school community. Guests will begin their day in a classroom with student hosts. This will be a time to get to know more about the education Westgate has to offer. They will then shift to move about the school being exposed to music, sports, science and much more. The morning will end with lunch catered by our school cafeteria. We hope they will be able to meet some new people and have some fun along the way.
Parents/guardians are invited to come into the atrium to drop off their students between 8:30am – 9:00am. Pickup will be at 12:15pm – also in the atrium. Please come with some comfortable indoor shoes.

Ready to Apply?
Application forms can be found here: