Thalia Neufeld

Thalia Neufeld

Educational Assistant

Thalia Neufeld was born in Winnipeg and then she moved to Seattle, Washington, where she grew up. She moved to Winnipeg in 2019 and graduated from Canadian Mennonite University (CMU) in 2023 with a Bachelor of Arts majoring in Mathematics. She minored in Biblical and Theological Studies and enjoyed courses in World Religions and Computer Science. While at CMU, she taught the statistics lab and was involved in student leadership as a member of International Student Association. For her Practicum, she worked for Manitoba Health as a Junior Epidemiologist where she processed data related to the impacts of Covid-19 on Indigenous communities in Manitoba. This past summer, she worked in the kitchen at Bethel Place and got to know the residents there. She is excited to be working at Westgate as she looks towards the future and thinks about possible applications for her math skills.